I have recently photographed my
100th wedding, a milestone in my photography business! I am really happy to say that I am
satisfied with my work. I have come a long way the last 3 and a half years and I have learned
alot. I would like to thank all those who have inspired me and had a
impact on my life. I give God all the glory for the talent that he placed in me! I can't wait where my photography is going and what new adventures I will experience. Cheers, to many more wedding and
opportunities to come!
That is fantastic news! Very proud of you. Your work has improved so much the last few months and I know how much passion you have for your art! Hope you shoot another 1000 weddings and another 100 celebrity weddings! :) Jean-Pierre Uys
Your journey has left a wake of inspiration and appreciation.
We look forward to your future and the way in which it will move us.
Your photography is incredible. I'll be checking back regularly to see your latest work. Cheers, Simon.
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