Monday, November 10, 2008

Rudi & Karin's Save the Date Shoot

Click here to view more photos from this shoot.

Last week Wednesday, I photographed Rudi and Karin for their Save the Date invitations. They are getting married in February next year and their wedding will be coordinated by the Aleit Group. The photos were taken at the Molenvliet Estate on the Hellshoogte Pass. What a stunning venue! There was lots of inspiration here to use as a backdrop. I loved photographing in the forest and on the rocks in the river. I would love to shoot a wedding here. Rudi & Karin, thanks! You were loads of fun to photograph. I hope you two have a wonderful wedding and a beautiful live together. Here are some of the images of the day.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Clinton & Michele's Wedding

Clinton & Michele got married on the 4th of October at the St Mary's Church in Stellenbosch. Their reception was held at L'Avenir Vinelands. We photographed their couple session in Stellenbosch and finished it off at L'Avenir. The light was falling quickly. But with a bit of flash and a high ISO setting we started chasing the sun! Thanks Michele and Clinton for being part of your beautiful day. Here is a few of my favorite pictures.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Danie & Lisa's E-session

Daniel and Lisa booked me earlier the year for their wedding photos, but they change the date to get married a bit earlier. I was already booked for another client and could take their wedding photos any more. I suggested that we do an engagement session instead. They accepted the idea and we photographed their e-session on the last Sunday in September.

When I spoke to Lisa over the phone she said that I should not expect a typical couple shoot for they where going to dress up a bit. I did not what to expect, but when along with it waiting in anticipation. When I arrived that afternoon on the farm of Danie's Dad, they where geared and ready for action. The first part of the shoot they dressed up as farm worker from the earlier years. The second part Danie dress up in old-school, classic suite and Lisa up on a cool dress with beautiful flowers in her hair. I had a ball with these two. I love it when my clients are creative and come up with their own cool ideas. Here are a few of my favorites!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Daniel & Ute's Wedding

Daniel & Ute got married on the 3rd of October 2008 at the top of the Kommetjie Lighthouse in Kommetjie. Since they traveled alone to South Africa for their wedding and honeymoon, it was a small wedding ceremony (just me, the couple, marriage officer and two witnesses). It was difficult to photograph up in the lighthouse for space was a bit of a problem with this big light next to you. The wedding was coordinated by Kap Event. We photographed a few photos at the Lighthouse at the beach further down. Thanks Daniel & Ute. I hope you enjoy your honeymoon in South Africa and have a safe journey home!

Click here to view this wedding and more on my new blog.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Old Blog will be kept alive!

Hi everyone!

I have decided to still post one photo or article on this blog at a time with a link to the new post on the new blog. The old blog will then direct extra traffic of search engines towards my new blog and website. So for some of you who still are getting this RSS Feed, you can use it to view my latest work!


Du Wayne Denton

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The New Blog Is Here!

Finnaly...After hours and days of hard work, it is finished. The new blog is up and running. I really like the new look and feel. There is also a new RSS, so don't forget to subcribe to that.

This is the last post on this blog. My old blog will still be online for those who would like to view some of my earlier work and posts. I will only delete it this time next year.

So what are you waiting for...Let go! Here is the link to my new blog.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

New Blog Almost Here!

For those of you who have been wondering... I am still alive and kicking! I know it been a long time since I have posted something on this blog and I do a apologize.

But the reason was that I was working on my brand new blog! It will have a fresher look and feel to it. I am also going to try and make a bigger effort to post more on this new blog. I will be showcasing some of my best work of weddings, lifestyle shoots and many more!

The new website is also coming along nicely. There is still a few hick-ups here and there but it will be on the net soon!

The blog will be up within the next two weeks! As soon as all the pages are sorted out, I will post the link and the RSS for you guys on this blog. Come and follow the journey of a photographer and experience what I experience every week thought the lens.

Friday, September 19, 2008


The other night I photographed a event for Talk Funtions. Being a musician myself, I love photographing musicians playing on their instuments. Here as some of my favorate images of the band from that night as well as a shot of me in the mirror. There was a very bright spot light coming from the right side of the stage that gave me beautiful sillouets shots of the musicians.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Mark & Tamlin's Wedding

I photographed Mark & Tamlin wedding on the 16th of August 2008 on Nooitgedacht Estate, outside Stellenbosch. I had fun photographing such a great couple. Tamlin was a beautiful bride and her face glowed on her wedding day. They had a beautiful ceremony in the chapel at the venue (very dark & moody images). The couple photographs were taken around the estate and on dirt roads behind the the estate. These are some of my favorite images from the wedding. Thanks Mark & Tamlin, hope you enjoy the images!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

100th Wedding

I have recently photographed my 100th wedding, a milestone in my photography business! I am really happy to say that I am satisfied with my work. I have come a long way the last 3 and a half years and I have learned alot. I would like to thank all those who have inspired me and had a impact on my life. I give God all the glory for the talent that he placed in me! I can't wait where my photography is going and what new adventures I will experience. Cheers, to many more wedding and opportunities to come!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Jacques & Cecile's Wedding

Jacques & Cecile got married on a cold July day at Kronenburg, Paarl. Because of the rainy weather, we photographed their couple shots at Pontac Manor Estate. This wedding was also a milestone for me. This was my 100th wedding that I have photographed! My favourite images are the once with the beautiful clouds. After the ceremony it stopped raining and the sun came out for a short period, giving us a dramatic backdrop to photograph the couple in. Another photograph that I love is the one in the ceremony where the parents kiss each other in the back ground (such a great moment)! Thank you Jacques and Cecile. It was great fun photographing your wedding.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Annie Leibovitz: Life Through a Lens

On Tuesday, I went along with other wedding photographers to watch a documentary about Annie Leibovitz at the Cinema Nouveou in Cavendish Square. The movie was called Annie Leibovitz: Life Through a Lens. This documentary takes a look at the life and work of this famous American photographer. She is famous for her celebrity portraits, including the pregnant and nude Demi Moore cover, Nelson Mandela, John Lennon hours before he was shot, and Whoopie Goldberg in a bath of milk. She is also famous for her images in Rolling Stone and Vanity Fair magazines.

One thing that I picked up from her is that her camera travels every where with her and she regularly takes photos of family friends and people around her. Besides her wonderful advertising and magazine work, her photojournalism is outstanding! She really studied her subjects and photograph them in such a way to bring forth their personality. This is something that I can apply in my weddings photography and portraits.

It was great inspiration for the new season ahead. If you are a photographer or if you love art and photography, go and see this movie.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

New Blog & Website Coming Soon!

I am busy designing a fresh new website and a new blog site. That means that this blog is going to move to a new address where a new blog awaits everyone. It sad, but the change is good. I decided to update my website and make it easier for me to update the content and the images. Now my website and my blog are going to have a similar look and feel.

As soon as the new website is launched, I will post a final post on this site with the link to my new website and new blog site. The new sites will be up and running within the month of September. Thank you to all the faithful blog stalkers who visited this blog. This was my first blog and it really helped me out displaying some my latest work.

But enough for now! Don't let your curiosity run away with you now. The long wait will soon be over.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Testimonial: Johann & Tania (SA)

Hi Du Wayne.

We don't really know where to start...we are completely overwhelmed at our beautiful photographs and we feel so incredibly lucky that you were our photographer! I didn't realise how important it was to have calm, caring and professional people around you while you are getting ready. You were all of the above and more! And we really also had such fun with you taking photographs after the service! When we received your beautiful white presentation box and simple yet stylish album with the photographs you selected to print, I could only conclude: "perfection from start to finish!" It was very special to share our big day with you and we wish you every success - you deserve it!

Love Tania & Johann

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Birth of Amelie

On Tuesday 22 July 2008, our little baby girl, Amelie, was born in the Panorama Medi-Clinic in Panorama. She weighed 3.6 kg at birth and she was 50cm long. Here is the story of her BIRTHDAY!

Early Tuesday morning, 05h30, we left for the hospital with our bags and cameras. The hospital was around the corner, about 3 minutes away!
After the paperwork, settling into the room and the prepping, we were of to the OR for the C-section operation.
Here the C-section is about to begin. On the right - Dr. Marie Pienaar, Left - the anesthesia (Doctor with the beard) and in the middle - Zani. I brought two cameras to the OR and handed the one to the Pediatrician. He took some awesome pictures with my 24-70mm lens while I stuck to my fix 50mm.

Here the doctor are busy opening up the tummy. I was cool during the whole procedure and even stood along the doctor while they were operating. Thanks to Doctor 90210!
HELLO WORLD! IT AMELIE. I COME IN PEACE! (This was one of my favorate shots!)

Here Dr. Marie Pienaar shows the baby to Zani.
Her little hand with the tag. Here they were checking if everything was fine before handing the baby to me.
My Grey's Anatomy moment....Mc Dreamy or Mc Steamy? You decide!

Here is Zani doing great. The doctors are busy closing up the wound.
Zani holding Amelie for the first time!

Here she is all wide awake. The nurses couldn't believe how wide awake she was straight after birth. BABA DENTON
The name tag on her little bed.
Zani with Amelie back in the room after the surgery.
Mother and daughter bonding for the first time.

The proud Daddy with a "Best Dad in the House" Homer Simpson balloon.
During the day, she sleeps most of the time.
Cute little hands!
Proud Parents of this new little bundle of Joy! As my dad said, she was born in peace and love.

We just want to thank God for giving us a beautiful and healthy baby, Dr. Marie Pienaar, Dr. Gerrit de Villiers, all the nurses and the staff at Panorama Medi-Clinic who helped with the birth of Amelie and taking care of both her and Zani.